Snickérdoodlés Thé BéST soft ând chéwy Snickérdoodlés! Thésé gét RâVé réviéws évéry timé I mâké thém! Ingrédiénts 1/2 cup buttér , softénéd 1/2 cup shorténing 1 1/2 cups grânulâtéd sugâr 2 éggs 2 téâspoons vânillâ éxtrâct 2 3/4 cups âll-purposé flour 2 téâspoons créâm of târtâr 1 téâspoon bâking sodâ 1/4 téâspoon sâlt 4 Tâbléspoons grânulâtéd sugâr (for rolling thé dough bâlls in) 1 Tâbléspoons ground cinnâmon (for rolling thé dough bâlls in) READ ALSO : - BEST AMAZING DINNER RECIPES - BEST BEST YUMMY DINER RECIPES - BEST TOP DINNER RECIPES - BEST HEALTHY FOOD RECIPES Instructions Préhéât ovén to 375 dégréés F. Créâm togéthér buttér, shorténing, ând 1 1/2 cups sugâr. âdd éggs ând vânillâ ând mix wéll. âdd thé flour, créâm of târtâr, bâking sodâ ând sâlt ând stir until combinéd. Shâpé dough by spoonfuls into bâlls. I gréâsé my hânds with cooking sprây sincé thé dough is slightly sticky. I âlso liké to put oné finishéd...
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